Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sketch Dump

Some sketches that are drawn throughout my days. Holding in my ideas and designs for later reference or going back and revising older drawings and finishing them. Some I have already done.

The Figure

A final drawing for the figure drawing class at Gnomon.
Toned tan, pencil/white pencil

The Figure 2

A final drawing for the figure drawing class I took at Gnomon. A very fun class.
Toned tan paper, pencil/white pencil

The Blue

This is a character design I did one day, the friendliest T-Rex ever. I wanted to put him into a children's tale, but still figuring out the story.

Good Parenting

We know a good parent when we see one, they are the ones who do anything for their children, and there is a lot of bravery in that. Especially when it involves pink nail polish.

A Book by Its Cover

Things are not always what they seem, we cannot just judge from the outside, there is always more within.

Dino Lizard

This little blue critter is harmless unless you are the unfortunate rodent. First done in copic markers.


I love sharks, with their big noses and all. Although I'm not so sure if he is as fond of his nose as I am.
Copic Markers

The Newt

The six-legged newt stays in the swamps that are wet and dark. This large creature is extremely toxic to the touch. Avoiding him is hard, but him finding you is the easy part.

The Raven

A man living in the darkness, his intentions are unknown, he is a shadow, that blends into the night. His only companion is death.

Lion King

The lion is an amazing animal, but is also a very ruthless animal. It knows only the pride that flows through his veins, and no one else's. The King of the African plains.


Some human anatomy studies I did on my own time, it is so important to know what is underneath in order to create what is above it.

Coffee Horse

This six-legged creature was made from coffee, which was very interesting and fun to use. I like the sepia tone it created. I did quite the research of anatomy on how to create a six-legged horse.


A tiger with a different personality, the most photogenic tiger ever. One of my favorite characters I have created.


My comic that I have worked years on, and hope to put into production one day. I have so much hope for this story because I believe it is one worth sharing.


Waking up to ash and dust. The apocalypse was coming, then it came, then it past, now there is nothing, only few survived.

King of the Mountain

The dragon is one of the most noble creatures ever created, there are so many things a dragon can be, imagination is the only limit.

The Canyon

We all have gotten that feeling knowing that the journey is only half over, but once we emerge from the dark cave, light finds us once again.

Love Slime

This creature may not be the smartest, but they are more loyal than any dog will ever be. They are next to their friend side by side, even if they make the ground a little slimy.

The Giant Turtle

A very docile creature, much like a whale shark, swimming through the sea and minding its own business. Still best not bother the King of the sea.

The Sentinel

Before time ever ticked, this wise creature roamed the galaxies, searching for those who are worthy of his words.

The Cyborg

A robot of action instead of words, wandering, waiting, and watching for the time to strike.

The Shriek

A  creature design I did for a video game production.

The Geckos

Digital painting done for a project in class about the repetition of one subject.