Sunday, September 28, 2014

More sketches

Here are just some random sketches in my sketchbook, some I like more than others but I have some good inspiration to create some creepy creatures so we shall see where they go.


Playing around with dynamesh and seeing what I can create from a sketch I did in my sketchbook. Hopefully I can get this to a fully body render soon!


 Here is the progress of my zbrush sculpt of the concept I did for my creature design class! Super fun and getting lost in the sculpting progress.

Monday, September 15, 2014


Here are some sketches form the zoo, or just sitting around Gnomon waiting for class to start. I have a few more creature ideas that I would like to bring to full concepts so we shall see where they go!!

Creature Design

Here are my two finals for Creature Design. I will be taking the "Gobdog" inot Z brush over break and see what I can do with it (fingers crossed). I saw a huge improvement in my drawings and renderings from this class and I am excited to keep improving! Onward and upward!!

Environment Design

This class was great (just like all my other classes this term) I have never done a lot of environments and this class definitely opened up a door for me and I want to keep practicing environments. I had a lot of fun and I'm happy with my improvement through this class.

Digital Painting

Here are my two finished Digital Painting finals. This class really got me more confident with color and actually creating finished pieces in Photoshop! So here is my Kaiju and Dig Dug!

Vehicle Design

Here are just a few finals that i did for my Vehicle Design class this term. This class was great, had a lot of fun and learned a lot!!